Angela Khan
Angela Khan, Philanthropist: We Can Rise Together
Angela Khan is a philanthropist whose passion to empower and encourage the disadvantaged is fueled by a keen awareness of her own troubled roots and what it took for her to grow and thrive beyond them. From a youth challenged by physical and mental abuse, she used education and her own spiritual life to get beyond the limitations of her circumstances to become a civic leader who now experiences joy in paying it forward.
Her career path took her through leadership positions in the field of digital marketing with several software firms. Wanting more than just a good income, she founded Miracle Art Foundation with a focus on helping emerging artists to sell their work and gain recognition.
Angela graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelors Degree in Management Information Systems & Human Resource Management. She then earned an MBA with emphasis in Entrepreneurship & Marketing from University of Notre Dame. She perceives education supportive mentors and positive role models as key to empowering women who are subject to abuse.
The mother of two beautiful little girls, Angela now consumes her time helping non profit organizations like SOHO fulfill their mission in addressing the needs of orphaned children and women at risk. She feels very fortunate to have been blessed by God with so many opportunities, and wants to help provide those same opportunities to others in situations such as she encountered in her youth.