• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208

About us

SOHO’s holistic service model focuses on health of body, mind and spirit. We strive to give children the opportunity to learn and grow, discover purpose for life, and empower them to achieve and overcome.

Our story

In 2006 Cynthia Prime and 17 volunteers from various parts of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand journeyed to Swaziland, Africa (now Eswatini) on a week-long mission trip. The experience was life changing. They encountered thousands of children, many lacking even the basic needs of food, clean water, and safe shelter. On that first mission, the volunteer team distributed 17,250 meals and snacks, clothing for 11,700 orphans and children in need, and performed roughly 2,500 health examinations and treatments.

What began as a short-term humanitarian effort became a life-long commitment. Cynthia Prime and her ministry partner Linda Schultz co-founded the faith-based nonprofit organization that would become Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach (SOHO). The organization’s goal is to improve the quality of the children’s lives through programs addressing their health, food security, education, spiritual nurture, and their capacity to become self-sustaining, contributing members of their community and country.

Today SOHO operates two multi-purpose centers in Nhlambeni and Marekamp that operate daily feeding programs, along with education, outreach and enrichment activities. In addition, SOHO has acquired a 1065-acre mountaintop property in the Shiselweni region where it is developing Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm. Lentsaba will eventually provide homes for up to 250 orphans and vulnerable children.

Mission, vision and values

SOHO works to transform the lives of orphans and vulnerable children, especially those in child-headed households in AIDS-affected communities. We are committed to:

Our holistic, Christ-centered programs strive to create a safe living environment where the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being of children are addressed. Education is supported and skills are developed so that the children embrace their God-given, personal worth and reach their full potential.

A closer look at the numbers

How you can help

Every act of giving, no matter how small, has the power to profoundly impact the life of a child in need. Your generosity can provide nourishment, clothing, and educational opportunities that offer immediate relief and long-term benefits to children who lack food and access to clean water. 

At SOHO, we ensure that every monetary donation is allocated to areas of utmost need, maximizing the positive impact of your contribution.