• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208


At SOHO, we believe that every act of generosity has the power to transform the life of at least one child. Your contributions, whether small or large, go a long way in providing essential necessities like food, clothing, and access to education.

Write a check

P.O. Box 78156
Indianapolis, IN 46278

Please indicate if you want to receive a book for a contribution of $100 or more by writing “book” on your payment. Your contribution will be tax deductible minus $15 per book.

Give via PayPal

Join us in our mission to make a difference and contribute securely through our PayPal link. Your donation will go directly towards initiatives that create positive change and impact the lives of those in need. With PayPal, your financial support is not only convenient but also safe, ensuring that your generosity reaches its intended destination.

The Hope Seekers

“The Hope Seekers” introduces the growing population of child-headed households in Eswatini — with the goal of building awareness and the necessary resources to create measurable change in the lives of these children. 

Author Cynthia Prime, CEO and co-founder of SOHO, says: “A picture is often worth a thousand words, but there are times when pictures, as striking as they may be, and words, no matter how descriptive and impacting, are inadequate to capture the dynamism and poignancy of the subject matter. Understanding and appreciation can only come about when the visual experience is internalized.” 

With compelling photographs and narrative, the courage, ingenuity, humor and pathos of the children are captured. “Statistics” become real, eyes look into yours, stories draw you close to where and how these children live — engaging you in their quest for sustainable life. 

Your contributions make a difference! Donors who give $100 or more will receive a copy of The Hope Seekers as a token of our thanks, along with a receipt for $85 (reflecting the $15 price of the book).