• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208

News & events

Our quarterly newsletters keep you up to date on SOHO’s feeding, educational and enrichment programs in Eswatini as well as the progress at Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm, where we are building homes for 250 orphans…

Program news

Find out what’s happening at Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm and our multipurpose centers in Nhlambeni and Sidvokodvo!

Inspiring stories

Learn how your contributions are transforming the lives of precious orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in Eswatini!

Event invites

Be part of our mission in action, and join us for upcoming community events, mission trips and volunteer opportunities!
