• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208
Dr. Brook Parker Bello

Dr. Brook Parker Bello

Dr. Brook Parker Bello is one of the most prominent survivor champions of human trafficking internationally. Founder of More Too Life Inc., this author, speaker, chaplain, uses her own life story to raise awareness of human trafficking in the US. She is a “voice for the voiceless”.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Sometimes it takes a while for God to answer prayers but at SOHO we have learnt that He is never late. For almost a decade we prayed for land with Title /Deed that SOHO could purchase on which to build safe homes. Just before the COVID outbreak, that land, now Lentsaba Farm, was purchased. Download

Winter 2022 Newsletter

After 15 years of serving orphans and vulnerable children in Eswatini, SOHO seeks to expand its reach to address the growing needs intensified by Covid 19 and social unrest in the small Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly, Swaziland). The resources needed to heal, educate, feed and nurture children come from compassionate hearts that give funds to grow Hope. Artists from three…

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Today, another child is born. The offspring of a mother who just had her first menstrual period. I have known her for eight years and discovered that she may have been trafficking for at least half of her young life. Whenever I visited Eswatini, when she was around seven years old and still in Primary school, she would come along…

In the Wake of Covid

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Fall 2020 Newsletter

The right to be safe is as basic as the right to breathe. And yet it is not part of the day-to-day existence of many marginalized people in the world. If a child is well fed and educated, yet is subject to abuse and violation, the quality of that child’s life is negligible. Poverty is a great driver of abuse….

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Children will finally have a place to call Home! What began as a dream, has become a reality because YOU cared enough to support. We have raised the $400,000 needed to acquire the 1075-acre mountain farm called INTSABA. Here children will discover hope, health, purpose, opportunity, and the God who loves them. The future will be changed for many of…