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Spotlight story

Andrews University’s bakery project in Eswatini

In June 2023, Dr. Williams Peprah, associate professor of finance at Andrews University, set out to Eswatini on a project in partnership with Oakwood College. His objective was to assess the feasibility of a small bakery that would not only generate additional revenue for Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm but also offer baking training to young women who benefitted from Lentsaba’s programs.This initiative is focused on creating sustainable opportunities and empowering orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) through comprehensive, Christ-centered programs.

Motivated by their deep commitment to creating transformative opportunities, the faculty and students of Andrew’s School of Business Administration (SBA) have come together to contribute their expertise in process development, web development, marketing, business development and financial accountability. Through these joint efforts, they strive to offer the necessary support to Lentsaba and facilitate the execution of life-altering programs in Eswatini.

At the heart of this project is the empowerment of young women who have endured abuse. The small bakery provides them with valuable skills and fosters their self-esteem and independence. The aim is to equip these women with the tools they need to lead successful lives and positively impact their communities. Rural Tech Hive, a partner in the venture, will assist in managing and implementing the point-of-sale system, ensuring financial transparency and inventory management.:

Andrew’s SBA understands the value of involving students in this project. As it progresses, smaller components will be introduced to student associations and clubs to encourage their active participation. Various classes within the SBA will have the chance to contribute their expertise, enhancing process development, web development, marketing strategies, business growth and financial accountability. By involving students in real-world projects, the SBA aims to ignite a sense of purpose and a passion for making a meaningful difference.

Through the cooperative efforts of Andrews University, Lentsaba, and Rural Tech Hive, a pathway is being carved towards sustainable change and empowerment. By enabling young women and generating additional revenue, the project supports Lentsaba’s programs for orphans and vulnerable children in Eswatini. Together, they are planting seeds of hope and cultivating a brighter future for those in greatest need.