• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208


March 2023 Newsletter

In the Kingdom of Eswatini, one out of every five children does not complete high school. Challenges begin at the primary school level even though education at this level is free except for ‘top up’ fees, school uniforms and bus fare for many to attend school. For orphans and vulnerable children for whom a daily meal is a struggle, these…

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Today, another child is born. The offspring of a mother who just had her first menstrual period. I have known her for eight years and discovered that she may have been trafficking for at least half of her young life. Whenever I visited Eswatini, when she was around seven years old and still in Primary school, she would come along…

Summer 2022 Newsletter

In the wake of the Covid pandemic, Eswatini (formerly, Swaziland) has been staggering beneath double blows. Fifteen years ago when SOHO began as a ministry to a staggering population of orphans in the small kingdom, one third of the country was affected by HIV/AIDS and until two years ago, the country had the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the world….

Spring 2022 Newsletter

Covid 19 crippled the travel industry shortly after acquisition of INTSABA mountain farm just over two years ago. My visit at the end of March was my first since then. It was so impacting that I am inviting you to come along with me. Let me take you there! Download

Winter 2022 Newsletter

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Fall 2021 Newsletter

During this season of celebration and thanksgiving, we pause to thank YOU, our supporters who have given of your resources to help the children we serve. Child-headed households are living situations where a child is the decision-maker and where there is no identifiable extended family to take care of them. That is our target population along with vulnerable children who may be at risk although they may…

Summer 2021 Newsletter

Swaziland is experiencing political unrest. South Africa, which surrounds this tiny kingdom, is experiencing politically driven violence, looting and burning. The crisis that is resulting for orphans and vulnerable children will only intensify. Excessive food and fuel shortage, inconsistency in education, physical and emotional trauma for many is the result. SOHO is collaborating with academic and business partners to address three critical…

An Evening of Hope – Livestream Event

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Winter 2020 Newsletter

In Eswatini, there are over 100,000 orphaned and vulnerable children in a population of just over one million, with an estimated 10,000 child headed households. These children are the future. Our vision is to fill their future with hope.  In this issue you’ll read about the success of our virtual conference and the impact it’s made. Clicking below to open. Download

In the Wake of Covid

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