• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208

New look, same mission


Reflecting a new chapter in our journey, SOHO is evolving into Lentsaba, which means ‘the mountain’ in the local Swazi language. This rebranding symbolizes the strong foundation and unwavering support that our organization aims to provide for every child under our care.

Our origins

In 2006 Cynthia Prime and a team of volunteers visited Swaziland, now Eswatini, where hunger was a constant companion for children, and clean water and safe shelter mere luxuries. During their week-long mission trip, the team distributed 17,250 meals, clothed 11,700 young children and provided 2,500 health examinations and treatments. Yet what was meant to be a short-term humanitarian effort evolved into a lifelong commitment.

Upon returning to United States, Cynthia and Linda Schultz founded Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach (SOHO). Our faith-based organization is dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) by addressing health, food security, education and spiritual nurturing.

Outreach and education

As a U.S.-based 501(c)3 nonprofit , SOHO has two subsidiaries: Seeds of Hope and Hope Seekers Alliance. Both are registered in Eswatini and serve as “feet on the ground” to implement our programs. Through Seeds of Hope, we operate two multi-purpose centers where children receive daily meals. In our Nhlambeni center, children receive school preparation at our Hope Discovery Learning Center (HDLC) and sponsorship support to stay in school after they graduate from the preschool. In addition to the preschool activities, the centers offer  tutoring, counseling, volunteer clinics, gardening and enrichment programs, such as sewing and embroidery skills. Recipients of food parcels gather at HDLC  monthly to receive food aid.

Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm

In 2020 we were able to purchase a 1,065-acre property located in the in the Shiselweni Region, where safe housing, education and healthcare is being developed for up to 250 orphans and vulnerable children.

This initiative will include trained care givers, quality Christian education and an empowerment center with access to science, technology, innovative math learning the arts as well as skill training.

What’s more, Lentsaba will include agriciulture and income-generating projects. Our vision it to create a sustainable ecosystem that can be leveraged to alleviate poverty and uplift communities.