• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208

SOHO spotlight

A hub of growth

Nestled in the picturesque landscape at coordinates 26°58’28”S, 31°14’53”E, Lentsaba Farm has been a beehive of activity and development. Spanning an impressive 431 hectares (1,065 acres), the farm has made notable progress in agriculture, infrastructure and community welfare.

Lentsaba’s orchard now features 2,000 macadamia trees. Each tree is nurtured with mini sprinkler irrigation, ensuring optimal growth conditions. With the orchard’s expansion, plans are already in motion for the next wave of planting.

Among recent infrastructure developments:

Lentsaba Farm is not just about agriculture and infrastructure; it’s a celebration of nature’s marvels. The farm’s terrain is a spectacle of natural beauty, with an elevation ranging from 864 meters  (2,244 feet) at the lowest point to 1,094 meters (3,590 feet) at the highest, resulting in a breathtaking elevation change of 410 meters (1,345 feet). This diverse topography is encapsulated within 9 kilometers (5.63 miles) of perimeter fencing, securing the farm’s boundaries.

Lentsaba Children’s Village & Farm is more than a piece of land; it’s a dynamic ecosystem where agriculture, community welfare, and natural beauty coexist and flourish. With each tree planted and each building constructed, Lentsaba is an unfolding story of hope, hard work, and harmony, setting a precedent for sustainable development and community care.