• +1 (317) 779-0001
  • [email protected]
  • 1100 West 42nd St, Suite 220E Indianapolis, IN 46208
A hub of growth

A hub of growth

Nestled in the picturesque landscape at coordinates 26°58’28”S, 31°14’53”E, Lentsaba Farm has been a beehive of activity and development. Spanning an impressive 431 hectares (1,065 acres), the farm has made notable progress in agriculture, infrastructure and community welfare. Lentsaba’s orchard now features 2,000 macadamia trees. Each tree is nurtured with mini sprinkler irrigation, ensuring optimal growth conditions. With the orchard’s…

Turning adversity into blessings

Turning adversity into blessings

Fortunate’s journey is one of determination and success. She overcame challenges, pursued cosmetology, and found her passion in baking. Today, her thriving bakery business reflects her resilience and faith, with a mission to empower others.